Usually, we can find a convenient location under your sink next to the stop cock, however this isn't always possible but Keith will be able to advise you on his initial visit.
Limescale is formed from the minerals that are collected as rain water passes through various materials before it reaches our water supplier. We have explained this in more detail on our what is hard water page.
Many people do drink softened water provided the area in which they live isn't too hard (hardness levels above 400 ppm). It's down to personal taste preferences and we recommend adding a water filter to your drinking tap and in some cases can provide this as part of our service. You can find out more about WATER FILTERS here.
It depends on the size of your family and how much water you consume but as a rule, we recommend an average of one block of salt per person, per month.
Yes, our water softeners use salt however, it's sodium ions that end up in the water after hard water moves into the mineral tank and the calcium and magnesium ions move to the beads, replacing sodium ions. The sodium ions go into the water and leave it softened to the rest of the home.